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bushy aster


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bushy aster has 1 sense
  1. bushy aster, Aster dumosus - stiff perennial of the eastern United States having small linear leaves and numerous tiny white flower heads
    --1 is a kind of aster

Definitions from the Web

Bushy Aster

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A type of flowering plant in the aster family, characterized by its bushy appearance and numerous small flowers.

Usage: The term "bushy aster" is used to refer to the plant in a general sense.

Example Sentence 1: The bushy aster adds a beautiful touch of color to the garden with its purple blooms.

Example Sentence 2: I planted some bushy asters in my backyard to attract butterflies and bees.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Describing something that resembles or has characteristics similar to a bushy aster plant.

Usage: The adjective form "bushy aster" is commonly used to describe plants or objects that possess a similar appearance.

Example Sentence 1: Her hair cascaded down her shoulders, reminiscent of the blossoms on a bushy aster.

Example Sentence 2: The painting depicted a vivid landscape with bushy aster-like flowers swaying in the breeze.

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