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burr marigold

Noun burr marigold has 1 sense
  1. bur marigold, burr marigold, beggar-ticks, beggar's-ticks, sticktight - any of several plants of the genus Bidens having yellow flowers and prickly fruits that cling to fur and clothing
    --1 is a kind of subshrub, suffrutex
    --1 is a member of Bidens, genus Bidens
    --1 has parts: spanish needles, beggar-ticks
    --1 has particulars:
     spanish needles, Bidens bipinnata; tickseed sunflower, Bidens coronata, Bidens trichosperma; European beggar-ticks, trifid beggar-ticks, trifid bur marigold, Bidens tripartita; swampy beggar-ticks, Bidens connata
burp gun burped burping burqa burqueness burr-headed burr burr drill burr marigold burr oak burrawong burred burres burrfish burrgaron burrhus frederic skinner burrill bernard crohn

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