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burmese rosewood


Definitions from WordNet

Noun burmese rosewood has 1 sense
  1. Burma padauk, Burmese rosewood, Pterocarpus macrocarpus - tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany
    --1 is a kind of tree
    --1 is a member of Pterocarpus, genus Pterocarpus

Definitions from the Web

Burmese Rosewood


Burmese Rosewood refers to a type of rare and beautiful wood native to Myanmar (Burma). It is highly valued for its rich color, durability, and unique grain patterns. The scientific name for Burmese Rosewood is Dalbergia oliveri.

Known for its distinct reddish-brown hue and dark streaks, Burmese Rosewood is often used in high-end furniture making, cabinetry, musical instruments, and decorative woodwork.

Samples Sentences:

  • The intricate carving on the Burmese Rosewood table was a true work of art.
  • She proudly showcased her collection of Burmese Rosewood figurines.
  • The guitar luthier handcrafted a stunning instrument using Burmese Rosewood for the back and sides.
  • As an endangered species, the trade of Burmese Rosewood is strictly regulated.

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