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bunk down


Definitions from WordNet

Verb bunk down has 1 sense
  1. bed down, bunk down - go to bed; "We bedded down at midnight"
    --1 is one way to go to bed, turn in, bed, crawl in, kip down, hit the hay, hit the sack, sack out, go to sleep, retire
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s PP

Definitions from the Web

Bunk Down

Definition: (verb) To go to sleep or find a place to sleep, often in a temporary or makeshift bed.


  1. To find a place to sleep for the night.
    • After a tiring day of hiking, we decided to bunk down in a cozy cabin.
    • The homeless man had to bunk down on the park bench.
  2. To sleep in a bunk bed, especially in a dormitory or military setting.
    • I shared a room with my siblings and we used to bunk down in our triple-decker bunk beds.
    • The soldiers bunked down in the barracks.
  3. To sleep in a temporary or improvised bed.
    • While camping, we had to bunk down in sleeping bags.
    • We bunked down on the floor of the airport during our long layover.

Sample Sentences:

  1. After a long day at work, I was so exhausted that I just wanted to bunk down in my comfortable bed.
  2. The hostel offered affordable dormitory rooms where travelers could bunk down and rest.
  3. During the camping trip, we had to bunk down in tents and sleeping bags.

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