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A buggle can refer to different things based on its usage. It can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. Below are the different senses and usages of the term:


  1. Definition:

    A small insect with a hard shell, often found in gardens.

    Example Sentence:

    I spotted a buggle crawling on a leaf in the garden.

  2. Definition:

    A colloquial term used to describe a musical instrument resembling a bugle.

    Example Sentence:

    The street performer played the energetic tune on his buggle.

  3. Definition:

    A computer programming term referring to a software bug or glitch.

    Example Sentence:

    The developers fixed the buggle in the latest software update.


  1. Definition:

    To move or act in a puzzling, erratic, or silly manner.

    Example Sentence:

    She buggled around the room, trying to find her misplaced keys.

  2. Definition:

    To cause annoyance or frustration.

    Example Sentence:

    His constant interruptions really buggled me during the meeting.


  1. Definition:

    Characteristic of something popular or trendy.

    Example Sentence:

    Those shoes she's wearing are so buggle right now.

  2. Definition:

    Referring to something local or specific to a certain place.

    Example Sentence:

    They sell buggle souvenirs only in this region.

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