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buffalo wing


Definitions from WordNet

Noun buffalo wing has 1 sense
  1. buffalo wing - crisp spicy chicken wings
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Buffalo Wing


A buffalo wing is a spicy chicken wing that is typically deep-fried and coated in a tangy sauce made from a combination of hot sauce and melted butter. This dish is a popular American appetizer usually served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.


  1. Noun - Food: A chicken wing that is deep-fried and coated in spicy buffalo sauce.
  2. Noun - Dish: A dish consisting of buffalo wings served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.

Usage Examples:

Noun - Food:

  1. He ordered a plate of buffalo wings at the restaurant.
  2. The buffalo wing was so spicy that it made his eyes water.
  3. She couldn't resist having another buffalo wing despite being full.

Noun - Dish:

  1. We went to the sports bar and enjoyed a platter of buffalo wings.
  2. For the party, she prepared a large batch of buffalo wings for all the guests.
  3. John dipped his buffalo wing into the blue cheese dressing before taking a bite.

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