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Noun brome has 1 sense
  1. brome, bromegrass - any of various woodland and meadow grasses of the genus Bromus; native to temperate regions
    --1 is a kind of grass
    --1 is a member of Bromus, genus Bromus
    --1 has particulars:
     awnless bromegrass, Bromus inermis; chess, cheat, Bromus secalinus; downy brome, downy bromegrass, downy cheat, downy chess, cheatgrass, drooping brome, Bromus tectorum; field brome, Bromus arvensis; Japanese brome, Japanese chess, Bromus japonicus
brokring brolly broly brom broma cleanse bromance bromate bromberg brome bromegrass bromelain bromelia bromeliaceae bromeosin bromeosins bromic bromic acid

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