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Definitions from WordNet

Noun broadness has 1 sense
  1. wideness, broadness - the property of being wide; having great width
    --1 is a kind of width, breadth
    --1 has particulars: thickness, heaviness

Definitions from the Web

Broadness - Noun

1. The state or quality of being broad in scope, range, or extent.

Example sentence: The broadness of the course curriculum allows students to explore various subjects.

Broadness - Noun

2. The physical width or extent from side to side.

Example sentence: The broadness of the river made it difficult to swim across.

Broadness - Noun

3. The trait of being open-minded or tolerant.

Example sentence: John's broadness of mind allowed him to easily accept diverse opinions.

Broadness - Noun

4. The quality of having a wide or large shape or form.

Example sentence: The broadness of her smile was infectious.

Broadness - Noun

5. A local term used to describe the width of a road or path in a specific area.

Example sentence: The locals measure the broadness of their village road to ensure easy passage for vehicles.

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