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broad leaved centaury


Definitions from WordNet

Noun broad leaved centaury has 1 sense
  1. broad leaved centaury - a variety of centaury with broad leaves
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Broad Leaved Centaury


Broad Leaved Centaury is a flowering plant that belongs to the Gentianaceae family. It is characterized by its broad leaves and beautiful pink flowers. This plant species is native to grasslands and meadows in Europe and Asia. Broad Leaved Centaury is known for its various medicinal properties and is often used in herbal remedies.

Parts of Speech:

  1. Noun: Broad Leaved Centaury

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: (Noun) A flowering plant with broad leaves and pink flowers, native to Europe and Asia.

Example Sentence: The broad leaved centaury adds a pop of color to the meadow.

Sense 2: (Noun) A medicinal herb obtained from the broad leaved centaury plant.

Example Sentence: The herbalist recommended a tincture made from broad leaved centaury for digestive issues.

Sense 3: (Noun) A species of herbaceous plant used for ornamental purposes.

Example Sentence: The broad leaved centaury looks stunning in the garden border.

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