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A breedon refers to a type or variety of a living organism, usually used in reference to animals or plants.

Example sentences:

  • The poodle breedon is known for its curly and hypoallergenic coat.
  • This breedon of roses produces beautiful yellow flowers.


As a verb, breedon means to reproduce or cause to reproduce offspring through mating.

Example sentences:

  • The farmers breedon their cattle to improve the quality of the herd.
  • In order to preserve the species, efforts are made to breedon the endangered birds.


When used as an adjective, breedon describes something that is characteristic of a particular breed or species.

Example sentences:

  • The breedon dog exhibited all the typical traits of its breed.
  • This breedon variety of corn is resistant to drought.

Local usage

In local usage, breedon can refer to a specific region or locality.

Example sentences:

  • This dish is a breedon specialty, known only to the locals.
  • They celebrated the festival with breedon customs and traditions.

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