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bracelet wood


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bracelet wood has 1 sense
  1. bracelet wood, Jacquinia armillaris - small West Indian shrub or tree with hard glossy seeds patterned yellow and brown that are used to make bracelets
    --1 is a kind of shrub, bush
    --1 is a member of Jacquinia, genus Jacquinia

Definitions from the Web

Bracelet Wood


Bracelet Wood refers to a type of wooden material used in the creation of bracelets. It is known for its natural beauty, durability, and unique grain patterns. Bracelet Wood can be sourced from various types of trees and is often treated and carved to enhance its aesthetic appeal.


  • Noun: A bracelet made from wood materials.
  • Adjective: Describing something related to or made of wood for bracelets.

Sample Sentences:

  1. I bought a beautiful wood bracelet that complements my boho style.
  2. The artisan crafted a stunning bracelet from bracelet wood with intricate carvings.
  3. She prefers wearing a simple, wooden bracelet over flashy jewelry.
  4. These bracelet wood beads have unique patterns and shades of brown.
  5. The boutique offers a wide range of wooden bracelets in different styles and finishes.
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