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box kodak


Definitions from WordNet

Noun box kodak has 1 sense
  1. box camera, box Kodak - a simple camera shaped like a rectangular box
    --1 is a kind of camera, photographic camera

Definitions from the Web

Term: Box Kodak

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: A type of camera produced by the Eastman Kodak Company in the early 20th century. It was designed to be easy to use and affordable for the masses.

Sample Sentence: I found an old Box Kodak camera in my attic that belonged to my great-grandfather.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 2: The trademark name for a series of simple and inexpensive cameras made by Eastman Kodak, typically designed as a compact box-shaped camera.

Sample Sentence: The Box Kodak series revolutionized photography by making cameras accessible to the general public.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Referring to anything related to or resembling the Box Kodak camera.

Sample Sentence: The vintage-style filters on the photo-editing app give my pictures a Box Kodak aesthetic.

For more information and to explore Box Kodak cameras, you can check out Amazon for possible related products.

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