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bouncing putty


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bouncing putty has 1 sense
  1. bouncing putty - a soft elastic silicone polymer that increases in elasticity with the application of force; used in the center of golf balls and as shock-absorbent padding
    --1 is a kind of
    silicone, silicone polymer

Definitions from the Web

Bouncing Putty

Noun: Bouncing putty refers to a type of pliant material that possesses elastic properties, allowing it to bounce when dropped or thrown.

Example sentence: My little brother was amazed when he saw the bouncing putty leap off the floor and hit the ceiling.

Adjective: Bouncing putty can also be used as an adjective to describe the unique characteristic of a putty that bounces.

Example sentence: The children were entertained by the bouncy putty that seemed to have a life of its own.

Verb: Bouncing putty, as a verb, refers to the action of throwing or bouncing the putty material.

Example sentence: He skillfully bounced the putty on the table, showcasing his talent to his friends.

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