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bottle gourd


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bottle gourd has 1 sense
  1. bottle gourd, calabash, Lagenaria siceraria - Old World climbing plant with hard-shelled bottle-shaped gourds as fruits
    --1 is a kind of gourd, gourd vine
    --1 is a member of Lagenaria, genus Lagenaria

Definitions from the Web

Bottle Gourd


The bottle gourd is a small to medium-sized fruit that belongs to the gourd family.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


Sense 1:

A type of gourd

Example sentence: The bottle gourd is commonly used for cooking in many Asian countries.

Sense 2:

The plant bearing the bottle gourd fruit

Example sentence: The bottle gourd plant is known for its long vines and large leaves.

Sense 3:

The empty dried shell of the bottle gourd used for various purposes

Example sentence: People often use the dried bottle gourd as a musical instrument by adding strings to it.


Popular Usage:

As a vegetable in cooking and for making beverages

Example sentence: The bottle gourd is often used in Indian curries and it is also juiced for its health benefits.

Local Usage:

As a container or utensil

Example sentence: In some cultures, the bottle gourd is hollowed out and used as a bowl or a container for storing liquids.

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