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botany bay fig


Definitions from WordNet

Noun botany bay fig has 1 sense
  1. Port Jackson fig, rusty rig, little-leaf fig, Botany Bay fig, Ficus rubiginosa - Australian tree resembling the banyan often planted for ornament; introduced into South Africa for brushwood
    --1 is a kind of fig tree

Definitions from the Web

Botany Bay Fig

The term "Botany Bay Fig" refers to a species of tree called Ficus macrophylla, which is native to Australia. It belongs to the family Moraceae and is known for its distinctive aerial roots and large, glossy leaves.

1. Noun: Botany Bay Fig

In its noun form, "Botany Bay Fig" specifically denotes the tree species Ficus macrophylla. It is commonly found in coastal areas of New South Wales and has become a popular ornamental tree in various parts of the world.

Sample sentence:

The botany bay fig provides shade and beauty to many parks and streets in coastal Australia.

2. Adjective: Botany Bay Fig

Used as an adjective, "Botany Bay Fig" describes anything related to or characteristic of the Botany Bay Fig tree.

Sample sentence:

The street was lined with beautiful botany bay fig trees, creating a picturesque view.

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