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boskop man


Definitions from WordNet

Noun boskop man has 1 sense
  1. Boskop man - possible early Homo sapiens represented by a cranium found in the Transvaal; formerly considered a separate species
    --1 is a kind of
    Homo sapiens
    --1 is a member of genus Homo

Definitions from the Web

Boskop Man


The term "Boskop Man" refers to a type of early human population believed to have lived in the Pleistocene era, between 130,000 and 30,000 years ago, in the region of Boskop, South Africa. Boskop Man is known for possessing unique physical characteristics.

Main Entry:

Noun: Boskop Man

  1. A prehistoric human group inhabiting the Boskop region of South Africa during the Pleistocene era.


Sense 1:

Noun: Boskop Man

A prehistoric human group inhabiting the Boskop region of South Africa during the Pleistocene era.

Sample sentence: The discovery of tools and fossils suggests that Boskop Man existed at least 100,000 years ago.

Sense 2:

Noun: Boskop Man

A fossil skull found in the Boskop region of South Africa, believed to be from a representative of the Boskop Man population.

Sample sentence: The Boskop Man skull exhibits unique physical characteristics, such as a large braincase and wide-set eyes.

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