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book lover


Definitions from WordNet

Noun book lover has 1 sense
  1. bibliophile, booklover, book lover - someone who loves (and usually collects) books
    --1 is a kind of scholar, scholarly person, student

Definitions from the Web

Book Lover


A book lover refers to a person who has a deep and passionate love for books, enjoys reading as a hobby or pastime, and often collects books. They are enthusiastic about exploring different genres, authors, and literary works.


Sense 1: A person who is highly devoted to reading and has a great affection for books.

Sense 2: In popular culture, a book lover can also refer to a character in a book or a story that exhibits a strong love for books.


1. Noun:

  1. She is an avid book lover and spends most of her free time reading novels from various authors.
  2. The library's book club is a meeting place for fellow book lovers to discuss and share their favorite literary works.

2. Adjective:

  1. He has built an impressive collection of book lover merchandise, including book-themed mugs, bookmarks, and T-shirts.
  2. The cozy bookstore attracts a niche audience of book lover readers, offering a welcoming environment to indulge in their passion.

3. Adverb:

  1. She avidly reads books and book lover magazines to feed her insatiable appetite for literature.
  2. The bookstore is located centrally, making it easily accessible to book lovers from all corners of the city.

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