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bone fat


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bone fat has 1 sense
  1. bone fat - fatty matter in bones extracted with solvents or by boiling or steaming; used chiefly in candles and cheap soaps an in lubricating greases
    --1 is a kind of
    animal fat
    --1 has part: bone oil

Definitions from the Web

Bone Fat


Bone fat refers to the adipose tissue stored within the bone marrow, responsible for providing energy, insulation, and protection to bones.


Sense 1 (Noun):

Bone fat is a type of specialized fatty tissue found within the bone marrow.

Example Sentence: The nutritional value of bone fat lies in its high concentration of lipids and essential fatty acids.

Sense 2 (Noun):

In butchery, bone fat refers to the fatty substances that can be extracted from bones and used for various purposes, such as cooking or manufacturing products.

Example Sentence: The chef extracted bone fat from the beef bones to enhance the flavor of the sauce.

Sense 3 (Adjective):

When bone fat is used an adjective, it describes something that resembles or contains properties similar to bone fat.

Example Sentence: The painter used bone fat color to create a realistic depiction of a skeleton.

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