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Definitions from WordNet

Noun boffin has 1 sense
  1. boffin - a scientist or technician engaged in military research
    --1 is a kind of
    research worker, researcher, investigator

Definitions from the Web


1. Noun

A boffin refers to a person who is highly knowledgeable or skilled, typically in a technical or scientific field.

Example sentences:

  • John is a talented boffin who can effortlessly solve complex mathematical equations.
  • The company hired several boffins to develop cutting-edge technology for their new product.

2. Noun

In British slang, a boffin may also be used humorously to describe an academic or intellectual person, especially one who is socially awkward.

Example sentences:

  • Mark is always buried in books; he's a bit of a boffin.
  • The boffins at the university often have fascinating discussions at the pub.

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