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board up


Definitions from WordNet

Verb board up has 1 sense
  1. board up - cover with wooden boards; "board up windows before the hurricane"
    --1 is one way to
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Term: board up


To board up means to cover or seal something with wooden boards or planks.

Part of Speech:

  • Verb: The act of covering or sealing with wooden boards or planks.
  • Phrasal Verb: To secure or protect a property by boarding it up.


Sense 1:

To cover windows, doors, or other openings with wooden boards as a means of protection or security.

Sample Sentence:

The shop owner decided to board up the windows and doors before the hurricane hit to prevent any damage to the store.

Sense 2:

To seal off a building or area by covering entrances with wooden boards, often temporarily.

Sample Sentence:

During the construction work, the entrance to the construction site was boarded up to ensure safety for pedestrians.

Sense 3:

To use wooden boards to conceal or hide something.

Sample Sentence:

The treasure chest was carefully boarded up and buried beneath the old oak tree.

Sense 4:

To close down or shut off a business or establishment by boarding up its entrances.

Sample Sentence:

After years of operation, the old theater was sadly boarded up and left vacant.

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