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Definitions from WordNet

Noun bns has 1 sense
  1. Bachelor of Naval Science, BNS - a bachelor's degree in naval science
    --1 is a kind of bachelor's degree, baccalaureate

Definitions from the Web



Abbreviation of "brand new shoes".

Example sentence: I just bought a pair of bns and they look amazing!

Search for brand new shoes on Amazon


Abbreviation of "Bikram Yoga North Shore".

Example sentence: I'm going to the bns studio for a yoga session.

Search for yoga mats on Amazon


Abbreviation of "Bureau of Naval Suppliers".

Example sentence: The bns provides all the necessary supplies for the naval operations.

Search for naval supplies on Amazon


Abbreviation of "Battalion Non-commissioned Staff".

Example sentence: The bns officers play a crucial role in leading the battalion.

Search for military tactical gear on Amazon


Abbreviation of "Breakneck Speed".

Example sentence: The car was moving at bns towards the finish line.

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