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blue hair


Definitions from the Web

Blue Hair


Blue hair refers to hair that has been artificially dyed with a blue color. It is a trendy and bold fashion statement often seen among youth, subcultures, and those seeking a unique look.


1. Noun - Hair Dyed Blue:

Blue hair can refer to the physical hair itself that has been dyed in a shade of blue, providing a vibrant and eye-catching appearance.

Example sentence: She turned heads with her stunning blue hair at the party.

2. Noun - Person with Blue Hair:

Blue hair can also refer to an individual who chooses to dye their hair blue, expressing their personality, creativity, or belonging to a particular subculture.

Example sentence: The concert was filled with blue-haired punk rock enthusiasts.

3. Adjective - Of or relating to Blue Hair:

Blue hair, when used as an adjective, describes anything related to the concept of individuals dyeing their hair blue.

Example sentence: The blue-haired community organized a charity event.

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