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Blinf is a slang term used to describe something or someone that is highly fashionable, trendy, or popular, often associated with being cool or stylish.

Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective
  • Verb
  • Noun


- When used as an adjective, blinf refers to something or someone that is currently in vogue or considered as the latest trend.

Example sentence: The blinf fashion trends for this season include oversized sunglasses and bucket hats.


- As a verb, blinf signifies the act of following or imitating the latest trends.

Example sentence: She blinfed her wardrobe by filling it with clothes from popular designer brands.


- When used as a noun, blinf represents the state of being fashionable or trendy.

Example sentence: His sense of blinf made him stand out among his peers.

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