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blank page


Definitions from the Web

Term: Blank Page

A blank page refers to a sheet of paper or space in a document that does not contain any text or images.

It can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective.

  • Noun: When used as a noun, a blank page indicates a physical or virtual empty surface ready for content.
  • Verb: As a verb, to blank page means intentionally leaving a page empty without adding any text or images.
  • Adjective: The adjective blank page describes a page lacking any written or visual information.

Sample sentences:

  1. He stared at the blank page, unsure of how to begin his essay.
  2. She skipped a page and intentionally blank paged it to create an artistic effect.
  3. Make sure to print the document with the blank page option enabled.
  4. The writer experienced writer's block, confronted by a series of blank pages.

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