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black kite


Definitions from WordNet

Noun black kite has 1 sense
  1. black kite, Milvus migrans - dark Old World kite feeding chiefly on carrion
    --1 is a kind of kite

Definitions from the Web

Black Kite

Definition: The term "black kite" refers to a medium-sized bird of prey belonging to the hawk family, known for its predominantly black plumage.

1. Noun:

Sense: A bird of prey species, Milvus migrans, found in many parts of the world, characterized by its dark plumage.

Example sentence: The black kite can often be seen circling high in the sky, searching for its next meal.

2. Noun:

Sense: In some localities, a black kite may refer to a toy made of lightweight materials, shaped like a kite, which is mainly popular among children.

Example sentence: The kids gathered at the park to fly their black kites, adding a splash of color to the bright blue sky.

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