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bird s-nest fungus


Definitions from the Web

Bird's-Nest Fungus

Noun: A type of fungus belonging to the Nidulariaceae family, characterized by its bowl-shaped fruiting bodies resembling small bird nests.

Sense 1: Popular Definition: A fascinating and unique fungus that catches the attention of nature enthusiasts due to its resemblance to a bird's nest. It commonly grows on decaying wood or bark, and its fruiting bodies contain small egg-like structures filled with spores.

Example Sentence: During our hike, we stumbled upon some bird's-nest fungi nestled in the fallen tree trunk.

Sense 2: Local Definition: In local folklore, bird's-nest fungus is believed to bring good luck and prosperity when found near homes or other structures.

Example Sentence: The villagers rejoiced upon finding bird's-nest fungi growing near their village, as they considered it a sign of good fortune.

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