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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective bipolar has 3 senses
  1. bipolar - of or relating to manic depressive illness
  2. bipolar - of, pertaining to, or occurring in both polar regions; "the bipolar distribution of certain species"
  3. bipolar - having two poles

Definitions from the Web



Bipolar refers to a condition characterized by alternating episodes of extreme mood swings, including periods of elevated mood (mania) and depression.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: bipolarity
  • Adjective: bipolar
  • Adverb: bipolarly

Possible Senses and Usages:

  1. Psychiatry: Referring to a type of mental illness marked by emotional extremes, ranging from manic to depressive episodes. Example: "She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder."
  2. Physics: Pertaining to or having two poles or opposite charges. Example: "The magnet exhibits bipolar properties."
  3. Electronics: Indicating a transistor or circuit that uses both positive and negative polarities. Example: "The amplifier employs a bipolar transistor."

Sample Sentences:

1. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and requires medication to manage her mood swings.

2. The bipolarity of the situation made it difficult to determine the best course of action.

3. The magnet's bipolar nature caused it to attract and repel other magnetic objects.

4. The use of bipolar transistors allows for higher amplification capabilities in electronic circuits.

Possible Products related to Bipolar:

Books on Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar Transistors

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