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Biostatistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data related to living organisms and health. It involves applying statistical methods to biological, medical, and public health research.

Senses and Usages

  1. Noun: The field of study that focuses on using statistical methods to analyze and draw conclusions from biological and health-related data.
  2. Example sentence: Biostatistics plays a crucial role in identifying patterns and trends in disease outbreaks.

  3. Noun: The set of statistical techniques and methods used in biological and health research.
  4. Example sentence: Researchers employed biostatistics to determine the correlation between a specific gene mutation and the risk of developing cancer.

  5. Adjective: Pertaining to or related to biostatistics.
  6. Example sentence: The biostatistical analysis provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of the new drug.

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