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biogeographical region


Definitions from WordNet

Noun biogeographical region has 1 sense
  1. biogeographical region - an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: benthos, benthic division, benthonic zone

Definitions from the Web

Biogeographical Region

A biogeographical region refers to a geographical area that is characterized by distinct biological communities and ecosystems formed by the interaction of various environmental factors.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Noun: A specific geographic area defined by its unique biotic and abiotic features.

Sample Sentence: The Amazon rainforest is renowned for its astounding biodiversity, making it one of the richest biogeographical regions on Earth.

Sense 2:

Noun: A division of the Earth's surface into different regions based on its distinctive flora and fauna.

Sample Sentence: The Wallace Line, separating the biogeographical regions of Asia and Australia, exhibits a stark contrast in the species found on either side.

Sense 3:

Noun: The study or field of research focusing on the distribution of organisms across biogeographical regions.

Sample Sentence: Professor Thompson specializes in biogeography and has dedicated his career to understanding the processes that shape and define biogeographical regions.

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