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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective biggish has 1 sense
  1. biggish, largish - somewhat large
    Antonyms: small, little (indirect, via large, big)
    Antonyms: small, little (indirect, via large, big)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Biggish


adjective - somewhat large in size; bigger than average, but not the largest


  1. Popular sense:
    • Of a size that is slightly bigger than usual.
    • Having some degree of largeness, but not excessively so.
  2. Local sense:
    • A term used in a specific region to describe something larger than average, but not unusually big.



  1. He gifted me a biggish bouquet of roses on my birthday.
  2. The truck was biggish and could fit a lot of cargo.
  3. Even though the room was biggish, it still felt cozy and welcoming.


  1. In our neck of the woods, we refer to a particular large dog breed as biggish.
  2. Due to the recent rains, the river is running biggish, but it's still safe for rafting.

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