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Betikrom is a noun that refers to a popular local dish from West Africa, specifically Ghana. It is a nutritious and flavorful soup made from the leaves of the coco yam plant.


  • Sense 1: A traditional Ghanaian soup made from coco yam leaves.
  • Sense 2: A dish that represents the culinary culture of West Africa.


Popular: Betikrom is a well-loved dish among Ghanaians, and it is often served during special occasions and festivals.

Local: The community in Accra organizes an annual Betikrom festival to celebrate the rich heritage of this traditional soup.

Sample sentences:

  • During the cultural event, visitors can enjoy various delicacies from Ghana, including the flavorful betikrom soup.
  • My grandmother taught me the secret recipe for betikrom, which has been passed down through generations.
  • The restaurant near the market serves the best betikrom in the city.

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