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believe in


Definitions from WordNet

Verb believe in has 1 sense
  1. believe in - have a firm conviction as to the goodness of something; "John believes in oat bran"
    --1 is one way to
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s VERB-ing

Definitions from the Web

Term: believe in


The term "believe in" is a transitive verb phrase that refers to having trust, confidence, or faith in something or someone. It can also indicate having a strong conviction or acceptance of an idea, theory, or concept.


  1. To have faith or trust in the existence, abilities, or reliability of something or someone.
  2. To accept, support, or give credence to an idea, theory, or concept.
  3. To feel convinced of the truth or validity of something.


  1. She believes in the power of positive thinking.
  2. We believe in treating others with kindness and respect.
  3. He believes in himself and his ability to overcome any obstacles.
  1. In our community, many people believe in the importance of sustainable living.
  2. During local elections, it is crucial to believe in the candidates' abilities to bring positive change.
  3. As a team, we believe in the value of hard work and dedication.

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