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Definitions from WordNet

Noun beggar-my-neighbor has 1 sense
  1. beggar-my-neighbor, beggar-my-neighbour, strip-Jack-naked - a card game for two players in which the object is to win all of the other player's cards
    --1 is a kind of card game, cards

Definitions from the Web



Beggar-My-Neighbor is a card game that is commonly played by children. It is a simple game that involves players taking turns playing cards and trying to capture their opponent's cards.


Noun: In this beggar-my-neighbor game, the player who collects all the cards wins.

Verb: Sarah successfully beggared-my-neighbor in the card game by capturing all of her sister's cards.

Adjective: The beggar-my-neighbor tournament attracted a large number of participants.

Adverb: Olivia played beggar-my-neighbor brilliantly, swiftly capturing all her opponent's cards.

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