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Noun bedlam has 2 senses
  1. chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness - a state of extreme confusion and disorder
    --1 is a kind of confusion
    --1 has particulars: balagan
  2. Bedlam, booby hatch, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, funny farm, funny house, loony bin, madhouse, nut house, nuthouse, sanatorium, snake pit - pejorative terms for an insane asylum
    --2 is a kind of mental hospital, psychiatric hospital, mental institution, institution, mental home, insane asylum, asylum
bedim bedimmed bedingfield bedizen bedlam bedlam bedlamite bedlamp bedlams bedless bedlington terrier bedloe s island bedmate bedmates bedoin bedouce bedouin

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