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become smaller


Definitions from the Web

Become Smaller

Definition (Verb): The act or process of reducing in size or decreasing in magnitude.

Example Sentences:

  1. Over time, the ice cube will become smaller as it melts.
  2. With regular exercise and a balanced diet, she managed to become smaller in just a few months.
  3. The company's profits became smaller due to the economic downturn.

Definition (Adjective): Describing something that has decreased in size or magnitude.

Example Sentences:

  1. He wore his become smaller jeans after losing weight.
  2. The storm left behind a become smaller puddle on the road.
  3. Over time, the hill became smaller as erosion took place.

Related Products on Amazon:

  1. Shrinking Machine
  2. Weight Loss Program
  3. Compact Folding Chair
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