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beach buggy


Definitions from WordNet

Noun beach buggy has 1 sense
  1. dune buggy, beach buggy - a recreational vehicle with large tires used on beaches or sand dunes
    --1 is a kind of recreational vehicle, RV

Definitions from the Web

Beach Buggy


A beach buggy is a lightweight vehicle designed for recreational use on sandy beaches or dunes. It is typically open-sided and without doors, allowing easy access and an enjoyable outdoor experience.


  • Sense 1: Vehicle

    A beach buggy refers to a motorized recreational vehicle used for driving on beaches or sand dunes. These vehicles often come with features suitable for off-road conditions such as larger wheels, durable tires, and a heightened suspension system.

    Example Sentence

    He rented a beach buggy to enjoy a thrilling ride along the sandy coastline.

  • Sense 2: Toy

    A beach buggy can also refer to a small model vehicle, often made of plastic, which is used for imaginative play in sand or water during beach trips.

    Example Sentence

    The kids built sandcastles and played with their colorful beach buggies.

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