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Noun – Musical Instrument

A bassari is a traditional African musical instrument resembling a long flute made from bamboo or wood.

Example sentence: The musician played a haunting melody on the bassari, mesmerizing the audience.

Noun – Ethnic Group

The Bassari people are an indigenous group primarily living in the eastern part of Senegal, with a unique culture and rich traditions.

Example sentence: The Bassari celebrate their cultural heritage through vibrant dances and rituals.

Adjective – Popular

The bassari style of music gained popularity among music enthusiasts globally due to its distinctive rhythms and catchy melodies.

Example sentence: Many music festivals showcase the bassari bands, attracting crowds of enthusiastic fans.

Adjective – Local

The small boutique offers a selection of locally made products, including the famous bassari handicrafts.

Example sentence: While visiting the village, we bought a bassari sculpture as a souvenir.

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