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Definitions from WordNet

Noun basophile has 1 sense
  1. basophil, basophile - a leukocyte with basophilic granules easily stained by basic stains
    --1 is a kind of leukocyte, leucocyte, white blood cell, white cell, white blood corpuscle, white corpuscle, WBC

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A type of white blood cell that contains granules that stain with basic dyes.


  1. A type of white blood cell involved in allergic reactions and immune responses.
  2. A person who has an affinity for basophilic cells or a tendency to react excessively to allergens.


  • The basophiles release histamine during an allergic reaction.
  • The doctor determined that the patient's symptoms were caused by an increase in basophiles.
  • As a basophile, she always carries an epinephrine auto-injector in case of an allergic reaction.

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