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balloon seat


Definitions from WordNet

Noun balloon seat has 1 sense
  1. bell seat, balloon seat - a seat that has a bell shape (on some 18th century chairs)
    --1 is a kind of seat

Definitions from the Web

Balloon Seat


A balloon seat refers to a type of chair or seat that is designed with a large, rounded backrest resembling a balloon.

Example Sentences:

  1. She sat comfortably on the plush balloon seat, enjoying the view from the window.
  2. The antique shop had a collection of beautifully crafted balloon seats.


As an adjective, balloon seat describes something that is related to or characteristic of a balloon seat.

Example Sentences:

  1. The room was decorated with balloon seat cushions, adding a touch of elegance to the decor.
  2. He preferred the balloon seat style of furniture due to its unique design and comfort.

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