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A bailiff is an officer of the court responsible for maintaining order during legal proceedings and carrying out certain administrative tasks. They are often involved in enforcing court orders, serving legal documents, and ensuring the security of the court.


1. Noun: A court official responsible for maintaining order and security during legal proceedings.

2. Noun: A person employed by a landlord or property management company to collect rent and manage the affairs of tenancy.


1. Noun - Court Bailiff:

During the trial, the bailiff ensured that all courtroom rules and procedures were followed.

The judge directed the bailiff to escort the witness out of the courtroom.

Search on Amazon: "Bailiff Badge"

2. Noun - Rental Property Bailiff:

The bailiff sent a notice to the tenant to remind them about overdue rent.

I contacted the bailiff to report a maintenance issue in my apartment.

Search on Amazon: "Rental Property Management"

3. Noun - Historical Usage:

The medieval bailiff was responsible for collecting taxes and managing the lord's estate.

The bailiff administered justice in the rural communities.

Search on Amazon: "Medieval History Books"

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