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backpack bag


Definitions from the Web

Backpack Bag


A backpack bag is a type of bag that is designed to be carried on the back, usually with straps over both shoulders, and used for carrying various items such as books, clothes, or personal belongings.

Senses and Usages

Sense 1: Everyday Backpack

In its most common usage, a backpack bag refers to a sturdy and spacious bag that is widely used by students, hikers, and travelers for carrying their everyday essentials.

Example sentence: I always keep my laptop, notebooks, and water bottle in my backpack bag for college.

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Sense 2: Sports Backpack

In the realm of sports, particularly in activities like camping or hiking, a backpack bag takes on a specialized form, designed with additional compartments and features to accommodate specific gear and equipment.

Example sentence: The hiker's backpack bag had separate pockets for his tent, sleeping bag, and cooking utensils.

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Sense 3: Fashionable Backpack

In the fashion industry, a backpack bag has become a popular accessory, often designed with stylish and trendy elements to complement various outfits and personal styles.

Example sentence: The fashion model strutted down the runway, showcasing a luxurious leather backpack bag.

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Sense 4: Local Tradition

In certain local cultures, a backpack bag holds symbolic significance and may be associated with traditional customs, rituals, or ceremonies.

Example sentence: During the festival, the tribespeople carried sacred items in their intricately decorated backpack bags.

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