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Back Slash

Part of Speech: Noun, Verb

Sense 1:

Definition: A backward-sloping line (\) frequently used in computer programming to indicate directory paths or escape characters.

Example Sentence: In order to access the file, you need to use a back slash in the URL: www.example.com\file\.

Sense 2:

Definition: To move backward against the current direction or flow.

Example Sentence: The tennis player had to backslash quickly to reach the ball before it hit the ground.

Sense 3:

Definition: A quick, downward stroke made with a knife or sword.

Example Sentence: The fencer performed a powerful backslash to counter the opponent's attack.

Sense 4:

Definition: A popular term used to refer to the back slash character (\).

Example Sentence: When typing a file path, make sure to use a back slash between directories.

Sense 5:

Definition: A symbol often used to represent an alternative or contrasting choice.

Example Sentence: To vote for your favorite color, type A for red and B for blue, followed by a back slash.

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