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averell harriman


Definitions from WordNet

Noun averell harriman has 1 sense
  1. Harriman, Averell Harriman, William Averell Harriman - United States financier who negotiated a treaty with the Soviet Union banning tests of nuclear weapons (1891-1986)
    --1 is a kind of financier, moneyman; diplomat, diplomatist

Definitions from the Web

Averell Harriman


Averell Harriman refers to a prominent American businessman, diplomat, and politician. He served as the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Governor of New York, and held various high-ranking positions in the Democratic Party.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: Averell Harriman
  • Adjective: Harrimanesque



  1. A person known for their achievements in business, diplomacy, and politics, following the example of Averell Harriman.


  1. Relating to the qualities or characteristics of Averell Harriman or his political career.


1. John aspires to become an Averell Harriman in the field of diplomacy.
2. She admired Averell Harriman for his exceptional contributions to public service.

1. The politician's Harrimanesque approach to foreign policy garnered praise from analysts.
2. The conference was reminiscent of Averell Harriman's diplomatic style.

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