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Definitions from WordNet

Noun aureomycin has 1 sense
  1. chlortetracycline, Aureomycin - a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trade name Aureomycin) used to treat certain bacterial and rickettsial diseases
    --1 is a kind of antibiotic, antibiotic drug

Definitions from the Web



Aureomycin is a type of antibiotic drug that belongs to the class of tetracyclines. It is used to treat various bacterial infections in both humans and animals. This medication inhibits the growth and spread of bacteria to help alleviate the symptoms associated with these infections.

Sample Sentences


1. I was prescribed aureomycin by my doctor to treat a severe respiratory infection.

2. The veterinarian recommended using aureomycin to cure the bacterial infection in our cat's wound.


1. The aureomycin ointment proved to be highly effective in treating my daughter's skin infection.

2. The researcher conducted an experiment to test the aureomycin resistance of different strains of bacteria.


1. The doctor advised me to aureomycin my wound daily for proper healing.

2. The farmers decided to aureomycin their livestock to prevent the spread of bacterial diseases.

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