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An auction is a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder. It is a popular method of buying and selling various items, such as art, antiques, real estate, or even virtual goods. Auctions can be held in person or online, and they are often exciting events filled with competition among bidders.

Sample Sentences:


  1. I attended an auction last weekend and managed to win a beautiful painting.
  2. The antique furniture auction attracted many enthusiastic bidders.
  3. She decided to sell her car through an online auction.


  1. They decided to auction off their collection of rare coins.
  2. The items will be auctioned to raise money for charity.
  3. The art dealer plans to auction the valuable sculpture next month.


  1. The auction house is known for its exceptional collection of artwork.
  2. We participated in a local auction event and won some amazing prizes.
  3. She placed a bid on the auction website and hoped to be the highest bidder.

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