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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective attributable has 1 sense
  1. attributable - capable of being attributed; "the collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale"; "an idea attributable to a Russian"
    unattributable, unascribable

Definitions from the Web

Term: attributable

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Capable of being attributed or assigned to a particular cause, source, or origin
Description: The term "attributable" refers to something that can be ascribed or linked to a specific cause, source, or origin. It implies that there is a clear relationship or connection between the subject and its assigned attribution. Sample Sentence: The increase in sales was attributable to the new marketing strategy.
Sense: Capable of being attributed to a particular person, organization, or group
Description: In this context, "attributable" means that something can be credited or assigned to a specific person, organization, or group. It suggests that the subject in question is responsible or accountable for the attributed action or quality. Sample Sentence: The success of the project is attributable to the hard work and dedication of the team.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: Something that can be attributed or assigned
Description: As a noun, "attributable" refers to something that can be credited, ascribed, or assigned to a particular cause, source, or person. It represents the tangible result or outcome of attributing or assigning a quality, action, or characteristic. Sample Sentence: The increase in profits is the attributable of the new company policies.

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