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atomic number 39


Definitions from WordNet

Noun atomic number 39 has 1 sense
  1. yttrium, Y, atomic number 39 - a silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys
    --1 is a kind of metallic element, metal
    --1 is a substance of gadolinite, ytterbite; fergusonite; xenotime

Definitions from the Web

Atomic Number 39

Definition: Atomic number 39 refers to the unique number assigned to the chemical element Yttrium on the periodic table.


  1. Popular Sense: In popular usage, atomic number 39 denotes the position of Yttrium, a silvery metallic transition element, in the periodic table. Yttrium is commonly used in electronics, lasers, and superconductors.
  2. Local Sense: In a local context, atomic number 39 can represent the sequential placement of the element Yttrium among other elements in a certain periodic table arrangement.

Sample Sentences:

  • Yttrium, with an atomic number 39, is an essential component in manufacturing LED screens.
  • The atomic number 39 of Yttrium indicates its atomic structure and properties.
  • Scientists conducted experiments to study the behavior of element Yttrium when it reaches its maximum atomic number.
  • The periodic table arranges elements like Yttrium with atomic number 39 in increasing order of atomic numbers.

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