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atomic core


Definitions from the Web

Atomic Core


The term "atomic core" refers to the central part or nucleus of an atom, which contains protons and neutrons. It is the region where most of the mass of an atom is concentrated.

In a broader sense, "atomic core" can also refer to the core or essential center of something, such as the central part or foundation of an organization or a concept.

Sample Sentences:

As a noun:

  1. The atomic core of carbon contains six protons and six neutrons.
  2. The stability of an atom's atomic core determines its chemical properties.
  3. Scientists are studying the behavior of particles within an atomic core.

As an adjective:

  1. The company's atomic core values prioritize teamwork and innovation.
  2. A deep understanding of the atomic core principles is crucial for advanced physics.
  3. The atomic core structure of the organization was redefined to enhance efficiency.

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Atomic Core in Physics
Atomic Core in Chemistry
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