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Term: ations
  1. Noun (plural)

    A suffix used to denote action or result.

    Example sentence: The explorations of the ancient ruins uncovered valuable artifacts.

  2. Noun

    Short for "recommendations"; suggestions or pieces of advice given to someone.

    Example sentence: I asked my friend for some book ations, and she gave me a great list of novels to read.

    Related products on Amazon: Recommendations

  3. Noun

    Short for "citations"; references to a source of information or quotes in a research paper or academic document.

    Example sentence: The professor asked us to provide proper ations in our essays to support our arguments.

    Related products on Amazon: Citations

  4. Noun

    Short for "abbreviations"; shortened forms of words or phrases used to save time or space.

    Example sentence: Texting has popularized the use of abbreviations like "LOL" or "BRB".

    Related products on Amazon: Abbreviations

  5. Noun

    Short for "creations"; things that have been made or brought into existence.

    Example sentence: The art exhibition showcased various ations by local artists.

    Related products on Amazon: Creations

  6. Verb (third-person singular present tense)

    The act of performing actions; engaging in activities or tasks.

    Example sentence: He ations diligently every day to achieve his goals.

  7. Verb (third-person singular simple present)

    Short for "relaxations"; the act of unwinding or taking a break from work or stress.

    Example sentence: After a long day, she ations by listening to calming music.

    Related products on Amazon: Relaxations

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