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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective atheist has 1 sense
  1. atheist, atheistic, atheistical - related to or characterized by or given to atheism; "atheist leanings"

Definitions from the Web



An atheist is someone who lacks belief in the existence of a god or gods and rejects the concept of a supreme being.

Part of Speech:



  1. A person who does not believe in the existence of a god or gods.
  2. A person who rejects the concept of a supreme being.


An atheist is often considered to be someone who denies the existence of any form of higher power. However, atheist views may vary, and not all atheists share the same beliefs about spirituality or the afterlife.

Sample Sentences:

  1. John has been an atheist ever since he rejected his religious upbringing.
  2. As an atheist, Sarah finds comfort and meaning in science and rationality.
  3. The debate between the atheist philosopher and the religious scholar was intense and thought-provoking.

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